rem This batch sort`s text by handling the first number found in each line as real number not rem as text. @ECHO OFF if "%~1"=="/?" ( echo.Sorts text by handling first number in line as number not text echo. echo.%~n0 [n] echo. echo. n Specifies the character number, n, to echo. begin each comparison. 3 indicates that echo. each comparison should begin at the 3rd echo. character in each line. Lines with fewer echo. than n characters collate before other lines. echo. By default comparisons start at the first echo. character in each line. echo. echo.Description: echo. 'abc10def3' is bigger than 'abc9def4' because echo. first number in first string is 10 echo. first number in second string is 9 echo. whereas normal text compare returns echo. 'abc10def3' smaller than 'abc9def4' echo. echo.Example: echo. To sort a directory pipe the output of the dir echo. command into %~n0 like this: echo. dir /b^|%~n0 echo. echo.Source: goto:EOF ) if "%~1" NEQ "~" ( for /f "tokens=1,* delims=," %%a in ('"%~f0 ~ %*|sort"') do echo.%%b goto:EOF ) SETLOCAL ENABLEDELAYEDEXPANSION set /a n=%~2+0 for /f "tokens=1,* delims=]" %%A in ('"find /n /v """') do ( set f=,%%B ( set f0=!f:~0,%n%! set f0=!f0:~1! rem call call set f=,%%%%f:*%%f0%%=%%%% set f=,!f:~%n%! ) for /f "delims=1234567890" %%b in ("!f!") do ( set f1=%%b set f1=!f1:~1! call set f=0%%f:*%%b=%% ) for /f "delims=abcdefghijklmnopqrstuwwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUWWXYZ~`@#$*_-+=:;',.?/\ " %%b in ("!f!") do ( set f2=00000000000000000000%%b set f2=!f2:~-20! call set f=%%f:*%%b=%% ) echo.!f1!!f2!!f!,%%B rem echo.-!f0!*!f1!*!f2!*!f!*%%a>&2 )