rem Showing progress in the output window seems impractical in DOS batch, since there is rem no way to overwrite a previews output for an updated progress status during each rem progress tick. Using the ECHO command is not nice, screen content quickly scrolls rem out of sight. A practicable alternative may be to use the window TITLE for the progress rem message. A nice side effect is that you can minimize the batch window and still observe rem the progress output in the task bar, since the task bar text will always reflect the rem window title text. @ECHO OFF set "max=11" call :initProgress %max% "Window Title: [PPP]" for /l %%N in (1,1,%max%) do ( ping -n 2 -w 1>NUL call:doProgress ) GOTO:EOF :initProgress max format -- initialize an internal progress counter and display the progress in percent :: -- max [in] - progress counter maximum, equal to 100 percent :: -- format [in,opt] - title string formatter, default is '[P] completed.' :$created 20060101 :$changed 20080327 :$source set /a "ProgressCnt=-1" set /a "ProgressMax=%~1" set "ProgressFormat=%~2" if not defined ProgressFormat set "ProgressFormat=[PPPP]" set "ProgressFormat=%ProgressFormat:[PPPP]=[P] completed.%" call:doProgress EXIT /b :doProgress -- display the next progress tick :$created 20060101 :$changed 20080327 :$source set /a "ProgressCnt+=1" SETLOCAL ENABLEDELAYEDEXPANSION set /a "per100=100*ProgressCnt/ProgressMax" set /a "per10=per100/10" set /a "per10m=10-per100/10-1" set "P=%per100%%%" set "PP=" for /l %%N in (0,1,%per10%) do call set "PP=%%PP%%*" for /l %%N in (%per10%,1,9) do call set "PP=%%PP%% " set "PPP=" for /l %%N in (0,1,%per10m%) do call set "PPP=%%PPP%%*" set "ProgressFormat=%ProgressFormat:[P]=!P!%" set "ProgressFormat=%ProgressFormat:[PP]=!PP!%" set "ProgressFormat=%ProgressFormat:[PPP]=!PPP!%" title %ProgressFormat% EXIT /b