rem This example shows how to enhance a program with persistent settings that can be changed using a menu. @ECHO OFF REM.-- Prepare the Command Processor SETLOCAL ENABLEEXTENSIONS SETLOCAL ENABLEDELAYEDEXPANSION REM.-- Version History -- REM XX.XXX YYYYMMDD Author Description SET version=01.000-beta &rem 20051201 p.h. initial version, providing the framework REM !! For a new version entry, copy the last entry down and modify Date, Author and Description SET version=%version: =% REM.-- Set the window title SET title=%~n0 TITLE %title% REM.--initialize the variables set FilePersist=%~dpn0+.cmd& rem --define the filename where persistent variables get stored set SvrCli_choice=,Server,Client, call:setPersist SvrCli=Server set bShowReadMe_choice=,Yes,No, call:setPersist bShowReadMe=No set InstSize_choice=,Full,Regular,Mini, call:setPersist InstSize=Full rem.--read the persistent variables from the storage call:restorePersistentVars "%FilePersist%" :menuLOOP echo. echo.= Menu ================================================= echo. for /f "tokens=1,2,* delims=_ " %%A in ('"findstr /b /c:":menu_" "%~f0""') do echo. %%B %%C set choice= echo.&set /p choice=Make a choice or hit ENTER to quit: ||( call:savePersistentVars "%FilePersist%"& rem --save the persistent variables to the storage GOTO:EOF ) echo.&call:menu_%choice% GOTO:menuLOOP ::----------------------------------------------------------- :: menu functions follow below here ::----------------------------------------------------------- :menu_Options: :menu_1 Install version : '!SvrCli!' [!SvrCli_choice:~1,-1!] call:getNextInList SvrCli "!SvrCli_choice!" cls GOTO:EOF :menu_2 Size of installation : '!InstSize!' [!InstSize_choice:~1,-1!] call:getNextInList InstSize "!InstSize_choice!" cls GOTO:EOF :menu_3 Show Readme.txt when finished: '!bShowReadMe!' [!bShowReadMe_choice:~1,-1!] call:getNextInList bShowReadMe "!bShowReadMe_choice!" cls GOTO:EOF :menu_ :menu_Execute: :menu_I Start Installation (simulation only) set maxcnt=20 if /i "%InstSize:~0,1%"=="F" set maxcnt=11 if /i "%InstSize:~0,1%"=="R" set maxcnt=7 if /i "%InstSize:~0,1%"=="M" set maxcnt=3 echo.Simulating an installation for !maxcnt! files... call:initProgress maxcnt for /l %%C in (1,1,!maxcnt!) do ( echo.Pretend to install !SvrCli! file %%C. call:sleep 1 call:doProgress ) call:sleep 1 TITLE %title% if /i "%bShowReadMe:~0,1%"=="Y" notepad ReadMe.txt GOTO:EOF :menu_C Clear Screen cls GOTO:EOF ::----------------------------------------------------------- :: helper functions follow below here ::----------------------------------------------------------- :setPersist -- to be called to initialize persistent variables :: -- %*: set command arguments set %* GOTO:EOF :getPersistentVars -- returns a comma separated list of persistent variables :: -- %~1: reference to return variable SETLOCAL set retlist= set parse=findstr /i /c:"call:setPersist" "%~f0%"^|find /v "ButNotThisLine" for /f "tokens=2 delims== " %%a in ('"%parse%"') do (set retlist=!retlist!%%a,) ( ENDLOCAL & REM RETURN VALUES IF "%~1" NEQ "" SET %~1=%retlist% ) GOTO:EOF :savePersistentVars -- Save values of persistent variables into a file :: -- %~1: file name SETLOCAL echo.>"%~1" call :getPersistentVars persvars for %%a in (%persvars%) do (echo.SET %%a=!%%a!>>"%~1") GOTO:EOF :restorePersistentVars -- Restore the values of the persistent variables :: -- %~1: batch file name to restore from if exist "%FilePersist%" call "%FilePersist%" GOTO:EOF :getNextInList -- return next value in list :: -- %~1 - in/out ref to current value, returns new value :: -- %~2 - in choice list, must start with delimiter which must not be '@' SETLOCAL set lst=%~2& rem.-- get the choice list if "%lst:~0,1%" NEQ "%lst:~-1%" echo.ERROR Choice list must start and end with the delimiter&GOTO:EOF set dlm=%lst:~-1%& rem.-- extract the delimiter used set old=!%~1!& rem.-- get the current value set fst=&for /f "delims=%dlm%" %%a in ("%lst%") do set fst=%%a&rem.--get the first entry rem.-- replace the current value with a @, append the first value set lll=!lst:%dlm%%old%%dlm%=%dlm%@%dlm%!%fst%%dlm% rem.-- get the string after the @ for /f "tokens=2 delims=@" %%a in ("%lll%") do set lll=%%a rem.-- extract the next value for /f "delims=%dlm%" %%a in ("%lll%") do set new=%%a ( ENDLOCAL & REM RETURN VALUES IF "%~1" NEQ "" (SET %~1=%new%) ELSE (echo.%new%) ) GOTO:EOF :initProgress -- initialize an internal progress counter and display the progress in percent :: -- %~1: in - progress counter maximum, equal to 100 percent :: -- %~2: in - title string formatter, default is '[P] completed.' set /a ProgressCnt=-1 set /a ProgressMax=%~1 set ProgressFormat=%~2 if "%ProgressFormat%"=="" set ProgressFormat=[PPPP] set ProgressFormat=!ProgressFormat:[PPPP]=[P] completed.! call :doProgress GOTO:EOF :doProgress -- display the next progress tick set /a ProgressCnt+=1 SETLOCAL set /a per=100*ProgressCnt/ProgressMax set per=!per!%% title %ProgressFormat:[P]=!per!% GOTO:EOF :sleep -– waits some seconds before returning :: -- %~1 – in, number of seconds to wait FOR /l %%a in (%~1,-1,1) do (ping -n 2 -w 1>NUL) goto :eof