

Make Folders Private - To Set the My Documents Folder to Private

On the Start menu, right-click My Documents, and then click Properties. Click the Sharing tab, and then click to select the Make this folder private so that only I have access to it check box. Click Apply, and then click OK. Note: You cannot make your folders private if your drive is not formatted as NTFS.  You Cannot Select the "Make This Folder Private" Option

Home Edition: Set Permissions for Shared Files and Folders. Boot into safe mode and logon to the 'Administrator' account. Right click the folder in question/Sharing and Security/Make Folder Private. 

To view the Security tab for a file or folder in XP, hold down the Ctrl key while right-clicking the file or folder, and select Properties. If you are in a domain instead of a workgroup, this approach is unnecessary.

     Tip:  Hide Files and Folders inside of Windows XP

Windows Explorer/Tools/Folder Options/View/Show Hidden Files and Folders. Right click the folder to be hidden/Sharing and Security/General Tab/Hidden/Apply Changes to.../

     Tip:  Hide Your Private Folders with Folder Guard

Hide your private files and folders from other users. Restrict access to important system files and be in full control of the way your files and programs are used by other users of your computer. http://www.winability.com/folderguard


Windows XP: TCP/IP Functionality and Internet Connectivity Are Disrupted When You Uninstall McAfee Personal Firewall

MCSE: Microsoft Certification : Introduction

Microsoft Certified Systems Engineers, MCSEs, design and implement an infrastructure for business solutions based on the Windows platform (2000) and Microsoft Servers System (2003). Both of these MCSE tracks include specializations in:


The MCSE on Microsoft Windows 2000

This track is appropriate for IT professionals working in the typically complex computing environment of medium-to-large organizations. These professionals design and implement business infrastructures based on Windows 2000 platform.

The MCSE on Windows Server 2003

Track for Windows Server 2003 includes all the functionalities of the Windows Server Operating System, such as security, reliability, availability, and scalability. Earning MCSE 2003 validates your ability to make infrastructures more efficient, keep everyone productive, and deliver more applications. These tasks on the latest Microsoft server operating system demonstrate your expertise to employers, clients, and peers.

Microsoft Certification Exam Simulators and Related Exam Simulators

Media Player

Windows Media Player Rollup Available
26 June 2002 Cumulative Patch for Windows Media Player
Windows Media Player for Windows XP KB Articles
Windows XP Programs Cannot Connect to the Media Player

Clear Recent Play list and/or Prevent the list from accumulating:

Disable and/or Clear Media Players Play List (Line 11)

     Tip:  Set as Default - Windows Explorer/Tools/Folder Options/File Types/Audio
CD/Advanced/Edit/Aplication used: "C:\Program Files\Windows Media Player\wmplayer.exe" /prefetch:3 /device:AudioCD "%L"

     Tip:  Although Windows XP comes with Windows Media Player 8.0, the older Windows Media Player 6.4 is installed,
 too. It's at C:\Program Files\Windows Media Player\mplayer2.exe.

Change the MP3 Encoding Rates in Media Player (All Versions).  These settings allow you to change the MP3 encoding rates in Windows Media Player. The default is 56Kbps which is quite low quality, this tweak allows you to add higher rates such as 128Kbps or 192Kbps.  Go to Start/Run/Regedit (Reference)

You may need to create the key if it does not already exist. Create a new DWORD value, or modify the existing value, called 'LowRate, MediumRate, MediumHighRate, HighRate' and edit the value according to the settings below.

Registry Editor Example
| Name Type Data |
| (Default) REG_SZ (value not set) |
| HighRate REG_SZ 0x0004e200 (320000) |
| LowRate REG_SZ 0x0000fa00 (64000) |
| MediumHighRate REG_SZ 0x0002ee00 (192000) |
| MediumRate REG_SZ 0x0001f400 (128000) |
| HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\MediaPlayer\Settings\M... |


Value Name: LowRate, MediumRate, MediumHighRate, HighRate
Data Type: REG_DWORD (DWORD Value)
Value Data: Rate in Bits per Second (bps)

Exit your registry, you may need to restart or log out of Windows for the change to take effect.

Troubleshooting Playback in Media Player for Windows XP 
Troubleshooting with Windows Media Player Error Code Page

Media Player 8 Reinstall
Windows Media Player: WMP mini FAQ
Windows Media Player FAQs

Windows XP Cannot Enter Standby Mode When Window Media Player Is Paused

Windows Media Bonus Pack for Windows XP

Media Player Library - Delete/Repair

If you have moved your music around on your hard drives, Windows Media Player continues to add new entries into it's library instead of modifying the existing ones. This means that you will now have multiple entries for the same song, half of which will not work now because you have moved the files to their new location. To delete the current library and build a new one, do the following:

1. Close Windows Media Player, wait about 3 seconds for the database to close.
2. Using "My Computer", navigate to the following folder:
    F:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\Microsoft\Media Index
3. Delete the "wmplibrary....db" file here. This is not your actual music, only the database which Windows Media Player uses
    as a listing.
4. Start Windows Media Player.
5. Hit "F3" and enter the location where you have moved your music to. If it is on multiple drives, check "All Drives". Let it
    finish.  All the old listings will now be gone, and you will only have the new accurate ones.

Media Player - Change/Remove 3rd Party Branding

Close Media Player.  Click Start, Run and enter REGEDIT  Go to:


Right click in the right pane and select New, String value.  Name the value TitleBar.  Double click the value you just created and enter the text you want to appear on the Title Bar.  Value Name: TitleBar, Data Type: REG_SZ (String Value). Create a new string value called "TitleBar" and set it to the text you would like display in the title. Restart Media Player for the change the take effect. If you want to get rid of the branding entirely, right click on the TitleBar value and select Delete.

Media Player - Disable Update Message

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\MediaPlayer\PlayerUpgrade. Value Name: AskMeAgain, Data Type: REG_SZ (String Value), Value Data: "yes" or "no".

Create a new String value, or modify the existing value, called 'AskMeAgain' and edit the value according to the settings above. Exit your registry, you may need to restart or log out of Windows for the change to take effect.

Media Player - DVD

HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\MediaPlayer\Player\Settings. Value Name: EnableDVDUI, Data Type: REG_SZ (String Value), Value Data: yes or no. Create a new string value called "EnableDVDUI" and set it to "yes" to enable DVD functionality.

Media Player - Play List


HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\MediaPlayer\Player\RecentFileList.  Delete RecentFileList, or manually remove them in the right pane.  NOTE: This registry key is re-created the next time you open a file in Media Player.

     Tip:  To Keep Media Player from maintaining the Recent Files List.  Start/Run/Regedit

HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\MediaPlayer\Preferences.  Look in the right pane for the value called: AddToMRU.  Double click this item and set the value to 00 (two zeros).

Clear Media Player Recent Files List
Disable Media Player Recent Files List

Both of these links are to VB Script files.  Download and save the file, then double click the file to run it.  VB Script files can be viewed in Notepad by right clicking them and selecting Edit.

Media Player - Reinstall and CD Burning Issues

Media Player 8 Reinstall Procedure
Windows Media Player: WMP mini FAQ
Windows Media Player FAQs

     Tip:  Although Windows XP comes with the cool-looking Windows Media Player 8.0, the older Windows Media Player
              6.4 is installed, too. It's at C:\Program Files\Windows Media Player\mplayer2.exe. Try it when playing movies, it
              usually plays them more smoothly than WMP8.

Troubleshooting Playback in Media Player for Windows XP 
Troubleshooting with Windows Media Player Error Code Page

Windows Media Player for Windows XP KB Articles

Media Player - Disable Update Message

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\MediaPlayer\PlayerUpgrade. Value Name: AskMeAgain, Data Type: REG_SZ (String Value), Value Data: "yes" or "no". Create a new String value, or modify the existing value, called 'AskMeAgain' and edit the value according to the settings below. Exit your registry, you may need to restart or log out of Windows for the change to take effect.

Media Player - User Identifier

This setting controls whether Windows Media Player will send a globally unique identifier (GUID) when communicating with a remote media source. Start/Run/Regedit

Value Name: SendUserGUID
Data Type: REG_BINARY (Binary Value)
Value Data: (00 00 00 00 = disabled, 01 00 00 00 = default)

You may need to create the key if it does not already exist. Create a new Binary value, or modify the existing value, called 'SendUserGUID' and edit the value according to the settings below. Exit your registry, you may need to restart or log out of Windows for the change to take effect.

Memory Dump

Log Files, Memory Dump Information and Regedits
Gathering Blue Screen Information After Memory Dump
Blue Screen Preparation Before Contacting Microsoft

Memory Tweaks

Menu Display - Speed Up

HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Control Panel\Desktop In the right pane select, "MenuShowDelay". Right click, modify and set the value to 0. Reboot.

     Tip:  TweakUI/Mouse/Menu Speed/Move glider to fast/Reboot.


     Windows Messenger: Get Started with Real-Time Communication
Find out about using Windows Messenger to communicate with instant messaging Windows Messenger: Instant Messaging
Find out about using Windows Messenger for voice communication Windows Messenger: Voice Communications
Find out about using Windows Messenger to communicate with video Windows Messenger: Video Communications
Find out about using Windows Messenger to send files or photos Windows Messenger: Send a File or Photo
Find out about controling your online status when using Windows Messenger Windows Messenger: Control Your Online Status
Find out about sharing applications and the whiteboard with Windows Messenger Windows Messenger: Applications and Whiteboard Sharing

Remove Messenger from XP

Start/Run/RunDll32 advpack.dll,LaunchINFSection %windir%\INF\msmsgs.inf,BLC.Remove

Stop Windows Messenger from Auto-Starting

Simply delete the following Registry Key:


Uninstall Messenger

You have to edit sysoc.inf (located in /WINDOWS/inf). Under [Components] you should see the following line: 
msmsgs=ocgen.dll,OcEntry,msmsgs.inf,hide,7.  Take the word 'hide' out of the line, and it should look like this:
msmsgs=ocgen.dll,OcEntry,msmsgs.inf,,7.  Exit and save.

Go to Add or Remove Programs, and click on Add/Remove Windows Components. There you should now be able to uncheck the MSN Messenger Service, and by clicking Next it will uninstall.

Remove MSN Messenger from Outlook Express


HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Outlook Express. Value Name: Hide Messenger, Data Type: REG_DWORD (DWORD Value), Value Data: (2 = remove messenger). Create a new DWORD value, or modify the existing value, called 'Hide Messenger' and set the value to 2.

Exit your registry, you may need to restart or log out of Windows for the change to take effect.

Hotmail is slow after disabling/removing Messenger


Right click on the Messenger.MsgrObject key and select rename. Rename it to Messenger.MsgrObjectold

This will prevent Messenger from loading when you access your account via the Hotmail web page, it will also prevent the delay when Messenger has been removed or disabled.

Tip:  When you sign in to Messenger, it remembers every email address/.net passport that you signed in under. To remove
         an item from the list of remembered names:  Start/Run/control userpasswords2.  Advanced/Manager Passwords.

Tip:  Preventing Messenger from Automatically Signing inStart/Run/control userpasswords2/Advanced tab. Manage
        Passwords/Delete (Passport) Entries. Open MSN Messenger (click here to sign in) enter passport e-mail address and
        password and leave the Sign Me In Automatically unchecked.

Tip:  Easiest method to disable Messenger:  C:\Program Files\Messenger and either rename the Messenger folder to
         something like "MessengerOLD" or just move it.

How to Disable, Remove, Issues (OE and Hotmail), Tweaks & Fixes

     Tip:  Change the MSN Messenger Background Image

This tweak allows you to change the background bitmap image in the MSN Messenger service. Locate the installation directory for MSN Messenger on your system (e.g. "C:\Program Files\Messenger"). This location can also be found in the registry in the "InstallationDirectory" value at [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\MessengerService].

Rename the "lvback.gif" file in the installation directory to "lvback.old". Then copy and rename the new background GIF file to the same directory as "lvback.gif".  Restart MSN Messenger for the change to take effect.

Tip: Getting rid of ads in MSN messenger

Find its default folder (search for Messenger). Open LINKS.TXT and clear its contents. When finished, save the file and pull up its properties from the Windows Explorer. Place a checkmark in the "Read-only" field.

Error Message in Windows Messenger During an Automatic Upgrade

Messenger Service

If you don't intend using XP on a LAN you can disable the "Server" and "Workstation" services. csrss.exe is associated with the Server process.  The Messenger Service "Transmits net send and Alerter service messages between clients and servers".

To disable the Messenger Service:  Go to Start/Control Panel/Administrative Tools/Services. Double click the Messenger Service and change Automatic to Disabled, then click the Stop button.

Or use this automated edit:

Disable Messenger Service (Line 95)

To Delete the Messenger Service:
  Go to Start/Run/CMD and type in: sc delete messenger. Reboot.
Or go to Start/Run/Regedit and navigate to this key:  HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services

It may be wise to disable the Administrative Alerts Service as well.  Specify the Schedule for Alerter Service - This setting is used to specify how often the server checks alert conditions and sends any required alert messages to administrative users.

Running ZoneAlarm and/or blocking incoming port 135 should be sufficient to stop things.

To enable XP's Internet Connection Firewall
Messenger Service Window That Contains an Internet Advertisement Appears

NOTE: Direct quote from the developers of this software:

"Notice: Please do not use this software for spamming. If you do so, you will take full responsibility for your actions. This software is made to send advertising or system messages to your own network".

To file complaints write to:  http://www.directadvertiser.com/contact.html

Microsoft Platform Support Reporting Tool - (Reference)

Are you having a tough time with Microsoft Windows XP and feel like lost ! If this is the case and you are working with Microsoft Support team, Ask them about MPS reporting tool. This tool can create a LITE or FULL version of a CAB file that could be useful for Microsoft Support person or even you. Learn more about MPSRPT_XP.exe.

Microsoft PowerToys for Windows XP

They're back! PowerToys are additional programs that developers work on after a product has been released to manufacturing. They add fun and functionality to the Windows experience.

Note:  We've taken great care to ensure that PowerToys operate as they should, but they are not part of Windows and are not supported by Microsoft.



In keeping with industry developments and ensuring that its scanners remain on the leading edge of technology, Microtek is pleased to announce that its scanners are compatible with the newly released Microsoft Windows (TM) XP operating system. Download the drivers here.

Microsoft Personal Security Advisor

HOW TO: Use the Microsoft Personal Security Advisor Web Site in Windows

Microsoft and Wugnet - Best Choice Shareware Pick of the Week

Power Drawers
Want Windows® to be faster and easier? Get Power Drawers, a unique must-have enhancement to boost Windows productivity! It lets you organize and access files much faster. Includes popup graphics & text previews, allows multiple apps associated with file types, folder printing, eliminates desktop clutter and many other powerful features! Show me the pick!

Directory Toolkit
An award winning utility from Funduc Software, Directory Toolkit is a multi-purpose file manager and path comparison/synchronize utility with archive functions and dozens of extra features. This is an established program that is useful to anyone who needs to compare and synchronize two or more paths. Show me the pick!

ThumbsPlus by Cerious Software
ThumbsPlus is a multi-talented application that will help you organize, view, edit, print, catalog and find all of your graphic files. With ThumbsPlus, you make thumbnails of your graphics files and organize them on your hard disks and in the built-in MS Access database. You can print catalogues, generate contact sheets, make slide shows, build thumbnail web pages, edit multiple files in batch mode, and more. Image editing features include color adjustment, rotating, resampling, digital filtering, histogram stretching, specialized image processes, and others.

Express Assist by AJSystems, Inc.
Express Assist is a very easy to use utility to backup all of your Outlook Express mail folders (including all attachments) as a single compressed, backup file. You can easily restore one, all, or any selection, of the mail folders saved in your backup file. In addition, you may synchronize your current Outlook Express message folders with message folders saved in the Express Assist backup. Express Assist provides full support for Outlook Express 4, 5, 5.5 and 6.0. It operates on Windows 95, 98, ME, NT4, Windows 2000 and XP.

Backup Plus by AVANTRIX, Inc.
Backup Plus allows you to easily and quickly backup all of your important data. Features include the ability to include files, full folders, wildcards and exclusions in your backup set. Backup to just about any removable device, span multiple disks if required and even write to CDR/CDRW drives with your existing packet writing software. Make backups easy with Backup Plus.


Windows XP Modem Tweak Guide
Connecting to the Internet via Modem (Windows XP)


Modem, Com Ports and Dialup Issues:
Resources for Troubleshooting Modem Problems in Windows XP
"Error 692: Hardware Failure in the Modem" Error Message When You Dial an RAS Server
A Computer May Hang During a Heavy Load with an Ericsson HIS Modem

Why does my modem abruptly disconnect sometimes?
What causes modem disconnects ?
Troubleshooting:  Disconnects
How do I troubleshoot modem disconnects?

Q: Why I often get modem disconnects?

A: Generally, there will probably always be an occasional disconnect. After all, we are dealing with phone lines being pushed to their limits with V.32 and V.34 modems. Phone lines were designed for voice, not for data transmission. But if you're getting a lot more than the occasional disconnect, something is wrong and you should methodically follow the steps below.

Disconnections may be caused by momentary drops of DTR (Data Terminal Ready). By default, most modems respond to a drop of DTR by hanging up. With US Robotics and other modems, add S25=200 to your Modem String. This sets the duration, in hundredths of a second, that DTR must be dropped so that the modem doesn't interpret a random glitch as a DTR loss.

A similar possibility to the one above is that your modem could not distinguish between a line hit, or other disturbances that momentarily break the connection, from a true disconnect by the remote modem. Add S10=100 to the Modem String to set the duration, in tenths of a second, that the modem waits after loss of carrier before hanging up.

If you have call waiting and a call comes in while you are connected, your modem might interpret the second signal as a disconnect by the remote modem. Ask your phone company how to temporarily disable call waiting. Also, keep in mind that many ISP set their sites having an idle timeout. If there is no modem activity on your end for a certain length of time, say 15 minutes, you will be disconnected.

If you're disconnected shortly after logging in, you may be attempting simultaneous logins on the same account. Make sure no one is logged-in to your account such as a family member at home. If this isn't the case, try to add a Modem String to make your connection stronger. Check your modem's instruction manual for specific information about settings.

Troubleshooting Internet Service Provider Logon Problems

Troubleshooting Modem Problems in Windows XP
Troubleshooting TCP/IP Connectivity with Windows
Troubleshooting Problems Communicating on the Internet
Troubleshooting Internet Service Provider Logon Problems
Troubleshooting a Connection to the Internet in Windows XP
Troubleshooting Connection Speeds in Windows XP

Modem - Auto Dials

Network Connections/Advanced/Dial-Up Preferences/Enable Auto-Dial by Location/Uncheck all locations and Always ask me before Auto-Dialing and Always ask me before autodialing.

     Disable Automatic Modem Connections at Startup

If remote connections are enabled in Windows, the system may try to initiate an Internet connection at Windows startup or at the start of many applications. This setting disables that behavior.

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Ole. Value Name: EnableRemoteConnect, Data Type: REG_SZ (String Value), Value Data: "Y" = enable automatic connections, "N" = disabled.

Create a new String value, or modify the existing value, called 'EnableRemoteConnect' and edit the value according to the settings above. Exit your registry, you may need to restart or log out of Windows for the change to take effect.

     Modify the Internet Auto-Dial Settings

Windows has the option to automatically dial your Internet Service Provider (ISP) to establish an Internet connection. This option can be controlled using this tweak.

Internet Settings
Value Name: EnableAutodial
Data Type: REG_BINARY (Binary Value)
Value Data: (00 00 00 00 = disabled, 01 00 00 00 = enabled)

Create a new binary value named "EnableAutodial", and set the new value to equal "01 00 00 00" to enable autodial or "00 00 00 00" to disable it.

Note: This restriction can be used either on a user by user basis by adding it to HKEY_CURRENT_USER or on a computer wide basis by adding it to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE.

     To view the list of names and addresses recorded by AutoDial, type the following command at a command
     prompt:  rasautou -s

To delete a name or address entry from the list: Start/Run/Regedit

HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\RAS Autodial\Addresses

You can delete any TCP/IP addresses that you see under this key. Note that AutoDial can use IP addresses, DNS fully qualified domain names (FQDN), and NetBIOS names.

How to Use the Rasdiag.exe Support Tool in Windows XP
How to View and Remove Information from AutoDial

Modem - Auto Disconnect (Turn Off)



Name: AutoDisconnect
Value: 0-1000 minutes

Sets the time interval after which inactive connections are terminated. Inactivity is measured by lack of NetBIOS session
data transfer, such as copying files, accessing network resources, and sending and receiving electronic mail.

You might want to set this parameter to 0 minutes if clients are running NetBIOS datagram applications. Setting this parameter to 0 turns off AutoDisconnect. Default=20 minutes.

Modem - Disconnects

     ASDL Modems Disconnect

Disable Hibernation and Disable Windows Messenger.

     DSL Modem Disconnects

Right click My Computer Icon/Properties/Hardware/Device Manager. Expand USB Controllers/Double Click USB Root Hub. Select Power Management and uncheck, Allow the computer to turn off the device to save power.

     Tip:  Stop connection from timing out on Web Pages. Sometimes when trying to connect to a Web site, that connection
              attempt "times-out" due to the slowness of response, and you get a "Could not connect to ... ". Start/Run/Regedit

              In the left pane, locate the 0000 Key (or 0001, 0002, or 0003) that represents your modem or NIC. Under that
              Key, locate the Value name called "SLOWNET" (right pane). Double click on SLOWNET, and change "Value
              data = 01" (zero & 1), to "00" (2 zero's). Close RegEdit, and reboot.

Troubleshooting Problems Communicating on the Internet
Cable Modem and DSL Speed Tweak to Increase Performance
Windows XP Internet Programs Cannot Connect to the Internet Through Broadband Connection

Troubleshooting Modem and Connection Issues:

Troubleshooting Modem Problems in Windows XP
Troubleshooting TCP/IP Connectivity with Windows
Troubleshooting Problems Communicating on the Internet
Troubleshooting Internet Service Provider Logon Problems
Troubleshooting a Connection to the Internet in Windows XP
Troubleshooting Connection Speeds in Windows XP

Modem Does Not Work on Compaq Armada 7800 and Device Manager Reports "Code 10"

Modem - Keep Connection Between Users

The following entry will stop the prompt to shut down the connection when changing users under Windows XP. This enables a permanent internet connection with multiple users on your PC under Windows XP. Start/Run/Regedit

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Winlogon
Then right-click the right-hand pane, select New/String Value. Name the value KeepRasConnections and set it to 1.

Keep Ras Connection within Fast User Switching (Line 32)

Modem - Performance

Test your internet connection.  Click here.

Web based tool for testing download performance using text, graphics and streaming video. Click here.

A large section of SpeedGuide.net is dedicated to Cable Modems and DSL technology, stressing on improving TCP/IP performance over high speed/latency networks.  Click here.

Speed Test - Bandwidth Testing.  Click here.

What affects modem performance?  Click here.

Troubleshooting 56k Modems.  Click here.  How fast is your 56K modem?  Click here.

Cable Modem and DSL Speed Tweak to Increase Performance - Click here.

Download Internet Accelerators. Boost Internet Speed.  Click here.

Boost your Internet Speed!  Enhance your internet connection and Boosts your Internet speed up to 300%! with Modem Booster's a proprietary, patent-pending PING technology!  Click here.

Get a faster internet connection and increase modem speed with webROCKET Internet Optimizer. Optimize your modem, computer, and windows system for optimal performance and speed. Click here.

Increase Modem Speed - Click here.

Increase Internet Speed - Click here.

Modem - Persistent Connections

This setting controls whether new network mappings should be created as persistent connections that are automatically reconnected at logon. Start/Run/Regedit

HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Network\Persistent Connections
Value Name: SaveConnections
Data Type: REG_SZ (String Value)
Value Data: yes or no

You may need to create the key if it does not already exist. Create a new String value, or modify the existing value, called 'SaveConnections' and edit the value according to the settings below. Exit your registry, you may need to restart or log out of Windows for the change to take effect.

Modem - Silence Your Modem

Go to Start/Control Panel/Modem/Connection/Advanced.  In the extra settings box type:  M0, ( 0 being a zero ).

Open the Control Panel--select Start, Control Panel--and assuming you're in the Classic View, double-click Phone and Modem Options. (From Category View, select Network and Internet Connections, and in the left pane, click Phone and Modem Options.) Click the Modems tab, and with your modem selected, click Properties. Click the Modem tab (again), move the lever under Speaker volume all the way to the left and click OK.

     Tip:  Open Network Connections, right click your dial-up connection and select Properties, then click "Configure..." and
              uncheck "Enable modem speaker".

Modem - Won't Disconnect

When you quit Internet Explorer, you may not be prompted to disconnect even if the Disconnect when connection may no longer be needed option is enabled. The following registry value also verifies that the option is enabled: Start/Run/Regedit

HKEY_CURRENT_USER\RemoteAccess\Profile\"Connection Name"\EnableExitDisconnect
The value should be 01 00 00 00.

This behavior can occur if the Easy CD Creator Adaptec starts automatically at startup.

To prevent the Easy CD Creator program from starting automatically, remove the entry for Easy CD Creator from the following registry key:

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run. Contact Adaptec Technical Support for additional information about resolving this issue.


Start/Run/net config server /autodisconnect:30 (30 being an example).  To disable Auto-Disconnect set it to -1.  Setting Autodisconnect to 0 does not turn it off and results in very fast disconnects, within a few seconds of idle time. (However, the RAS Autodisconnect parameter is turned off if you set it to a value of 0.)

Morpheus - Max Downloads

The max downloads limit in Morpheus is 50, follow these steps to change your downloads limit to anything you like, this will also speed up your downloads.

1. Start/Run/Regedit
2. HKEY_CURRENT_USER/Software/Morpheus/Transfer
3. Right click on Concurrentdownloads and select Modify
4. Click on Decimal and change the limit to anything you like.

     Tip:  Stop the Ads.  To stop the ads from popping up when you open up Morpheus:
              Go to IE/Tools/Internet Options/Security/Restricted Sites/Sites/Add:  ads.musiccity.com

Morpheus.exe Causes an Error Message in Windows XP


Troubleshooting with Microsoft Pointing Devices Frequently Asked Questions

Move Folders

My Documents Folder in Windows XP

How to Move Shell Folders and Contents

Movie Maker

Get started enjoying music on your computer Movies: Get Started with Windows Movie Maker
Copy tracks from a CD Movies: Transfer Video to Your Computer
Download music from the Internet Movies: Edit Movies


Problems When You Are Using an Out-of-Date Version of the C-Media Cmaudio.ax Driver File


Getting MP3 ripping to work in Windows Media Player 8 in XP.  Start/Run/Regedit and enter the following in the registry:


This corresponds to 56, 64, 128 and 192 Kbps. You can change this to your liking using the following dword hex values :

320 Kbps = dword:0004e200
256 Kbps = dword:0003e800
224 Kbps = dword:00036b00
192 Kbps = dword:0002ee00
160 Kbps = dword:00027100
128 Kbps = dword:0001f400
112 Kbps = dword:0001b580
64 Kbps = dword:0000fa00
56 Kbps = dword:0000dac0

MP3 and WMA

Information here.


If you have a system that has multiple passwords, and have ever gotten an error that states "MPREXE Caused an Invalid Page Fault in Kernel32.dll" then you have a corrupted password file. One not-so-pleasant solution is to delete the .PWL files. This will eliminate the errors, but force you to re-key all the passwords.

MS Support

If you have a retail version of Windows XP Home Edition or Professional, you are eligible for unlimited no-charge Installation Support and 2 no-charge Personal support incidents by phone or online.

Personal Support is designed to provide support for everyday product usage to help U.S. consumers, home users and home office customers using Microsoft consumer products. (425) 635-3311 (long distance charges may apply)


Msbb.exe May Cause an Error Message in Windows XP


Msconfig and Troubleshooting Tools for Windows XP

Msconfig - Corrupt

To extract: Open a command prompt window. Insert your XP CD into the drive and enter the following command:

EXPAND -R X:\I386\MSCONFIG.EX_ Z:\WINDOWS\PCHEALTH\HELPCTR\BINARIES.  This will extract a new copy of the MSCONFIG.EXE from the CD.

Msconfig - To Remove Entries:

These values are stored in the Registry. Click Start/Run/Regedit

     For items that were in the Start menu, Programs, Startup folder:

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Shared Tools\MSConfig\startupfolder. 
You'll find a subkey for each disabled item.

     For items loaded from the Registry:

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Shared Tools\MSConfig\startupreg.
Again, you'll find a subkey for each disabled item.

Msconfig - Stops the Selective Startup screen

Download the xp_nomsconfig.vbs file:   http://www.dougknox.com/xp/scripts_desc/xp_nomsconfig.htm and save it to your Desktop (you may want to right click and use Save Target As). Double-click the xp_nomsconfig.vbs file after closing MSConfig. You will not see the Selective Startup screen on the next boot.




In the right pane, delete the value for MSConfig.  Alternatively, you can use a small VB Script file to do this for you as well. Copy the following three lines to a Notepad file and save as No_MSCONFIG.VBS

On Error Resume Next
Set WshShell = WScript.CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
WshShell.RegDelete "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run\MSConfig"

After running MSConfig, run the VBS file and this entry will be removed automatically.

Msinfo32 - System Information (Error or Missing)

Odd msinfo32.exe problem. msinfo32 mystery solved. (written by Vampirefo, furnished by Martin)


I finally figured it out, after running test after test. A index.dat file has been deleted, and that's why when some run msinfo32 they get the help center instead of system information.

I had this problem, and just now got it figured out, I restored a new image and system information was working great, I then ran Spider which cleans temp files, I saved the report rebooted and system information was not working.

I looked at what spider deleted and I found it deleted a index.dat here E:\\WINDOWS\\PCHEALTH\\HELPCTR\\OfflineCache\\index.dat
I opened and image and restored just this dat, and now my system information is working, so this dat file is the cause for the problem.


More info

Add System Information to the Right Click

"Can't collect information Access denied to Windows Management Instrumentation server on this computer. Have an administrator change your access permissions." 

Suggestions and Checkpoints:

Go to Start/Run and type in:  services.msc.  Scroll down to:  Windows Management Instrumentation and make sure the Service is set to Automatic.

Go to Start/Run/CMD and type in: net stop winmgmt. Then delete the %windir&\system32\wbem\repository directory. Once done go back to Start/Run/CMD and type in: net start winmgmt

If that doesn't help, try this:

Open a Command Prompt and type "winmgmt /clearadap" to clear prior WMI/resyncperf information from the registry.
Then type "winmgmt /resyncperf" to register the system performance libraries with WMI again.

WinMgmt could not initialize the core parts

 This will re-install wmi into the registry:  Go to Start/Run and type in: CMD, then Winmgmt/? for information. Then run each of these hitting enter after each:

winmgmt /clearadap
winmgmt /kill
winmgmt /unregserver
winmgmt /regserver
winmgmt /resyncperf

If this doesn't help, try posting to this group:  news://msnews.microsoft.com/microsoft.public.windowsxp.wmi

Can't Open Msinfo32

Checkpoints:  Go to Start/Run and type in: winmsd and/or click here:  hcp://system/sysinfo/sysInfoLaunch.htm or
                     Go to Start/Run and type in: msinfo32 /categories +all -loadedmodules (exactly as written)

Manual settings:  Create a batch file containing the following lines:

cd C:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\MSInfo
msinfo32 /categories +all -loadedmodules

To Troubleshoot:  Verify your settings here: Start/Run/Regedit

Path value = C:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\MSInfo\msinfo32.exe

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\App Paths\msinfo32.exe

Default value = C:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\MSInfo\MSInfo32.exe
Path value = C:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\MSInfo

Fix for Help and Support and System Information

Error Message: Windows Management Instrumentation (WMI) Might Be Corrupted (Unable to view System Information (MSinfo32)  http://support.microsoft.com/default.aspx?scid=kb;en-us;319101

To correct this error:  Go to Start/Run/CMD and type in: net stop winmgmt. Then delete
the %windir&\system32\wbem\repository directory. Once done go back to Start/Run/CMD and type in: net start winmgmt


To resolve this issue, delete and then re-create the files in the %SystemRoot%\System32\Wbem\Repository folder. To do this, follow these steps:
  1. Click Start, and then right-click My Computer.
  2. On the shortcut menu, click Manage.
  3. In the left pane of the Computer Management console, double-click Services and Applications.
  4. Under Services and Applications, click Services.
  5. In the right pane of the Computer Management console, locate and then right-click Windows Management Instrumentation.
  6. On the shortcut menu, click Stop.
  7. Start Windows Explorer, and then locate the %SystemRoot%\System32\Wbem\Repository folder.
  8. Delete all of the files in the %SystemRoot%\System32\Wbem\Repository folder.
  9. Restart the computer.

    The files that were deleted are re-created when the computer restarts. NOTE: The Windows Management Instrumentation service starts automatically when you restart the computer.

If none of the above helps, replace your Boot.ini.  In most cases it has to do with more than one OS being listed.

Go to Start/Run and type in: msconfig.  Then go to the Boot.ini Tab and click on Check All Boot Paths. If you receive a warning about a duplicate path: Do you want to remove, choose yes.


Right click the My Computer icon/Properties/Advanced/Startup and Recovery/Settings/System Startup/Edit.

How to Edit the BOOT.INI File in Windows XP

How to Use System Information (MSINFO32) Switches

MSINFO32 displays a comprehensive view of your hardware, system components, and software environment. This article provides an overview of the available switches that can be used with the MSINFO32 command.

Using these switches, MSINFO32 can be used to:

Use System Information from a batch file
Create .nfo or .txt files that contain information from specified categories.
Open System Information and display only specific categories.
Save a file silently (without opening System Information).
Start System Information connected to a remote computer.
Create a shortcut that opens System Information in a commonly used configuration.

To open System Information in History view, type: msinfo32 /pch
To create an .nfo file in the folder C:\TEMP with a name of TEST.NFO, type: msinfo32 /nfo C:\TEMP\TEST.NFO
To create a .TXT file in the folder C:\TEMP with a name of TEST.TXT, type: msinfo32 /report C:\TEMP\TEST.NFO

To view System Information from a remote computer with a UNC name of BIGSERVER, type:
msinfo32 /computer BIGSERVER

To list the available category IDs, type: msinfo32 /showcategories

To start System Information with all available information displayed, except Loaded Modules, type:
msinfo32 /categories +all -loadedmodules

To create an .nfo file called SYSSUM.NFO in the C:\TEMP folder that contains information in the System Summary category, type: msinfo32 /nfo C:\TEMP\SYSSUM.NFO /categories +systemsummary

To create a .NFO file called CONFLICTS.NFO in the C:\TEMP folder that contains information about resource conflicts, type:  msinfo32 /nfo C:\TEMP\CONFLICTS.NFO /categories +componentsproblemdevices+resourcesconflicts+resourcesforcedhardware

Msdart.dll Problems, Error Messages and Workarounds and Suggestions

"The procedure entry point GetIUMS could not be found in the dynamic link library MSDART.DLL."

1.  This is caused by Windows XP improperly naming the msdart dll file. Download (save) DARTFIX.BAT to your desktop and click on it. This will make a copy of MSDART.DLL and name it MSDART32.DLL. It will be placed in the Windows/System32 directory. This should allow you to run the InfoBase CD.

2.  Start/Search for file msdart*.* on your computer.

Should be found in:

C:\Winnt or Windows\System32
C:\Winnt or Windows\ServicePackFiles\i386

3.  Microsoft Data Access Components (MDAC) 2.8

"unregmp2.exe - Entry Point Not Found - The procedure entry point GetIUMS could not be located in the dynamic link library MSDART.DLL".

When the problem occurs, press Shift +F10 to bring up the command prompt. Then type taskmgr.exe in the DOS window
and press Enter. The Task Manager should be started. If not, try to press C+Shift+ESC. In the Task Manager program, select the error message window in the
application list and click "End Task". In the process list, terminate the unregmp2.exe program. Exit the DOS prompt window and resume the installation process.

Note:  In some cases: There is another step needed - killing the error may not be enough.

Shift+F10, kill the process, WinXP should continue loading, and around 23 MORE minutes left to go, the monitor will flash several times. Don't panic.

Once loaded, get past the "Microsoft in a box" screens: next, finish. Once on the desktop, log in a user with system admin capabilities (hopefully you still have one). Go to
C:\windows\sr.inf. Right click and select Install. It will ask for sr.sys.  Get this OFF the CD!!! The one on C: is corrupt. On the CD, under the I386
folder, you will find sr.sy_. Double click it and it SHOULD decompress itself and load. (Microsoft tech suggests as a convenience, load directory
I386 from CD to C: (root) for ease of use NEXT TIME you have a problem!

That is the fix for the MSDart, repair/reinstall WinXP problem.

2. The next problem to fix will be the DSL and WinSta.dll problems. Your instructions from your ISP tells you to use the Network Connection
Wizard and do some stuff, then select Broadband, use user ID and password. However, the Wizard has disabled this option. AND you find you cannot make
system restore points. And if you open up My Computer, right click on some white space in the window and click properties, you will get 'procedure
entry point RemoteAssistancePrepareSystemRestore could not be located in the dynamic link library winsta.dll. These problems are solved simultaneously

a. Right click My Computer. Manage, Services and Applications, Services. Find Remote Access Connection Manager (on either tab). Right click,
Properties. On the General tab, Startup Type listbox, change Manual to Automatic. Apply. Ok. Restart your machine.

b. Log in as a user that has System Admin capabilities. Start, Run, Regedit. Find HKLM\system\Current Control Set\services\rasman\ppp\eap.
Export the node by selecting, File, Export. (This creates a backup in case of screw-up. If you don't know how to import, maybe you shouldn't be doing
this.) Once this is done, under EAP is a folder/key 25. Delete it. Also delete folder/key 26. (These are the keys for the connection wizard. MS
will not tell you how to modify the keys for the desired result, you must delete them. Or run this edit.

c. Reboot.

Now you SHOULD be able to connect to DSL or recreate your connection as per your ISP's instructions. System restore will now work. You should perhaps
create a restore point for fun. Start, Help, Performance and maintenance, Using System Restore to undo changes, Run the System Restore Wizard, Create
a system restore point.

BTW, you cannot create a dial-up connection using the Wizard. To do this, bring up your browser. If IE, select tools, Internet Options,
connections tab. Select Add. Dial up to private network, next, phone number .. Once done, the connection will be listed with the Network
Wizards and other connections you have off Start, Settings.. or Control Panel, Network Connections.

If these fixes didn't work, MS's next solution involves installing XP to a separate place on your machine. This too ought not remove your data. Once
installed, your DATA, not applications, should be transferrable between OSs. The last option you don't want to know!

Note:  If these do not work, call Microsoft: 1-800-936-4900. You get TWO whole free calls to them if encountering problems during installation. (Take
copious notes!).  Reference.

Last resort:

How to perform an in-place upgrade (reinstallation) of Windows XP

MS-DOS or 16-bit Windows-based program Error Message

This installation program will reinstall the missing or corrupt Windows XP system files command.com, autoexec.nt and config.nt. The absence or corruption of one or more of these files causes a "16 Bit Subsystem" error.

XP_Fix.EXE by TRF Systems, Inc.

From Ron:

Running Audit on my computer showed that a program called
WINDUPDATE.EXE (not WINUPDATE.EXE) was deleting my Autoexec.nt file on boot
up. If I replaced the file it would delete it again. Go to \Program
Files\WINDUPDATE folder and delete it!

Go to your registry and delete anything named WINDUPDATE. Put the Autoexec.nt
file back into your \system32 folder and all is well! This was definately the
problem here and I bet most everyone has the same nasty bugger, WINDUPDATE.EXE
on their infected computer.

Another note and workaround:

C:\Windows\System32\Autoexec.nt The system file is not suitable for running MS-DOS and Microsoft Windows applications. Choose 'Close' to terminate the application.

This problem just started around mid August 2004, so I suspect it to be related to a recent Microsoft Update that you may have downloaded for Windows XP.

HomeSchool Easy Records (the current version) is a Windows program (not a DOS program) but it is a "16 bit" Windows program. Apparently HER and other 16 bit Windows programs will run into this error when you try to run them. Note: HER version 3, now in the works, is a 32 bit Windows program, so it won't be prone to this problem.

There is a cure. Please read the following tip and follow the steps to reinstall three files: autoexec.nt, config.nt, and command.com

Side note: You also want to look for the file "windupdate.exe" (note the spelling closely -- the 'd') and if you find it anywhere on your hard drive, delete it! This is a secondary problem and you are not very likely to find this file. But if you have it, it actually deletes the autoexec.nt file each time you start your PC, so even if you restore the file, it will get deleted again!

Here is the tip originally posted to the Internet by Spencer Greystrong:

This article http://support.microsoft.com/default.aspx?scid=kb;en-us;324767  is the Microsoft response to that error message. The fix involves expanding the original files from your XP CD and overwriting. The problem with that solution is that many people do not have the original CD. [So the links below were created so you can get the files directly].

When you click on either link below you will see a file-download window appear. Click on the "Open" button and you will get a WinZip self-extractor window. Leave the "Unzip to folder" set to "c:\windows\system32" and leave the "Overwrite files without prompting" check box checked. Ignore the yellow warning sign (this is trustworthy code). Click on the "Unzip" button. The files will save to your hard drive. Then click on the "Close" button.

For Windows XP Professional click on this link: http://homepage.ntlworld.com/spencer.greystrong/XPProfiles.exe

Will read as:  DPF: {15AD4789-CDB4-47E1-A9DA-992EE8E6BAD6} - http://public.windupdates.com/get_file.php?bt=ie&p=5b2f12423f01fa3f255a10cc9af8f7b5d60c0438ad44fd2a1a760d51c0241936773ca04aab077905855565abe08139a2080b:c7857c068f27d7cc50f91b20c15a3e0e

MSEvents.MSEvents and MSEvents.MSEvents.1

This one is tricky, I must admit and takes a bit of work; however, it gets the job done.  For those of you who are getting the MSEvents Object and/or Winlogon Notify (both in most cases) via HijackThis, this will help:

1.  Download Process Explorer from Sysinternals and save it to your desktop: 

Download Process Explorer (x86 - 566 KB) - you plan on using Process Explorer on 32-bit NT/2K/XP/Server 2003  or
Download Process Explorer (x64 - 566 KB) - you plan on using Process Explorer on 64-bit XP/Server 2003

2.  Modify this reg file to the CLSID (.dll) in question, beings it varies.  In the cases here it was gebyx.dll.  Once done copy and paste into Notepad (Start/Run: Notepad)
    and save with a .reg extension and save to your desktop.  Note:  You would be modifying lines:  1, 2 and 7.

Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00

[-HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Winlogon\Notify\gebyx]

Can be downloaded here as is: ridmsevents.reg

3.  Turn off System Restore:  Right click My Computer/Properties/System Restore.

4.  Now boot into Safe Mode, to do so:  Go to Start/Run/Msconfig/Boot.ini and check off:  /SafeBoot
     Note:  When done in Safe Mode, revert before rebooting.

5.  Then open Windows Explorer, under your local drive and delete: !Submit.  From there scroll down to Winnt or Windows\System32 and delete: gebyx.dll
     Also, delete the Prefetch Folder (ex. C:\Winnt\Prefetch) and clear out all temp files and cookies.

Added Tip:  To get a better idea of what you are dealing with:  Go to Start/Search - go to When was it modified?  Click, Specify Date and change the date from and to to the exact date of the Application Extension entry.  From there it will list each item of interest.  In my case, it had 8 listings of the .dll stored in my HJT backup folder and two other entries:  !Submit under my root drive and System32\gebyx.

6.  Once in Safe Mode, load procepxp.exe (which is the Process Explorer mentioned earlier).
     a.  Double click on Winlogon on the left side, once the new window opens, select Threads.
     b.  Select each instance of the .dll in question and then use the Kill button.  Once done hit the Ok button.
     c.  From there scroll down to Explorer.exe and do the same there.

7.  Once done, run the regedit you modified. 

8.  Final step is to run HijackThis now either manually or by clicking here:  hijackthisnow
     Select both the listings: MSEvents Object and/or Winlogon Notify, Fix checked.

Note:  Empty the backup folder once complete, either altogether or hand select.

9.  Undo /SafeBoot via Start/Run/Msconfig, then reboot.

10. Turn System Restore back on.

Msmsgs.exe has encountered a problem and needs to close. We are sorry for the inconvenience.

Ole32.dll May Cause an Error Message in Windows XP

msmqocm.inf - Setup was unable to open information file msmqocm.inf. Contact your system administrator.

Go to Windows\inf. In the right pane scroll down to msmqocm.inf. Right click it and choose install.

If it isn't listed ...

Go to Windows\inf. In the right pane scroll down to sysoc.inf. Open it in Notepad and remove this line:

MSN Explorer - Outlook Express Doesn't Access POP3 accounts

From: http://www.explorer.msn.com/setuphelp.htm

MSN Explorer uses a new e-mail program. This program is based on MSN Hotmail, a Web-based e-mail service. When you upgrade to MSN Explorer, your e-mail Inbox will be converted automatically from POP3 e-mail to Web-based e-mail. All of your new e-mail will come to you in MSN Explorer.

Important details about your e-mail and newsgroups are:

You will not lose any e-mail.
Your e-mail address will not change.
You will receive all your new e-mail in MSN Explorer instead of Outlook Express.
Your old e-mail will remain in Outlook Express, and you will be able to see it there.
Your address book will be copied to MSN Explorer. It will also remain in Outlook Express.
You can access your newsgroups through Outlook Express.
You can access your e-mail from a computer connected to the Internet anywhere in the world.

You cannot switch your e-mail account back to your previous program by uninstalling MSN Explorer and reinstalling a prior version of MSN Internet Access. Click here to learn how to set up Outlook Express to access your new e-mail account. (Note: there is no link here as you must be an MSN user to access this page)

Web based e-mail does not require Outlook Express, so some e-mail features have changed. For example, your address book is now web-based so you can access information on your contacts from any computer.

MSN/MSN Explorer

MSN Help and Support
Adding Additional MSN Internet Access Accounts With Microsoft Windows XP
Cannot Compose a New E-mail Message in Internet Explorer If MSN Explorer Is the Default E-mail Client
Cannot Remove MSN Explorer User Tile(s) In Windows XP--Deleted Tiles Reappear On Welcome Screen
Cannot Set MSN Explorer as Default E-mail Client
MSN Explorer Version 6.0 No Longer Supported Error Message

Cannot Use MSN EXPLORER or AOL To Send a Remote Assistance Invitation via Email Option
Can't Type In Body Of E-mail Window in MSN Explorer
Can't Add New User In MSN Explorer--Account Manager Password Not Accepted
Err Msg: File Does Not Have a Program Associated with It
How To Disable The Internet Connection Firewall In Windows XP

How to Locate Your Version of MSN Explorer
MSN Explorer Sign In Screen Activates Unexpectedly
MSN Explorer Dials But Does Not Connect
MSN Explorer Hangs When Outlook XP Requests Data From The Server
Offline E-mail Features in MSN Explorer--For MSN Internet Access Subscribers

OL2000: Outlook Does Not Receive MSN E-mail Messages (also applies to OE and other Outlook versions)
Reset To POP3 E-mail From A Web-based E-mail Account In MSN Explorer
Transition From MSN E-mail To MSN Explorer E-mail
MSN/Windows Messenger Resources Tips, Help and Support for MSN and Windows Messenger


     Multibooting with Windows XP: Introduction
Multibooting with Windows XP: Introduction Multibooting: Windows XP and Windows 2000 Professional
Multibooting with Windows XP: Introduction Multibooting: Windows XP and Windows NT Workstation
Multibooting with Windows XP: Introduction Multibooting: Windows XP and Windows Me or Windows 9x

How to Multiple Boot Windows XP, Windows 2000, Windows NT, Windows 95, Windows 98, and MS-DOS
HOW TO: Create a Multiple-Boot System in Windows XP
How to Enable Dual Boot After You Install Windows Me on a Windows 2000-based Computer
How to Install Windows 98 after Installing Windows XP
How to Install W2K to its Own Partition after Installing Windows XP
Multibooting with Windows XP
Multibooting with Windows 2000 and Windows XP

BootIt NG is a partition and multi boot manager with a powerful and simple to use set of tools for partitioning, imaging, and multi-booting your computer.  It combines the features of several standalone products costing hundreds of dollars more. 


Get started enjoying music on your computer Music: Get Started Enjoying Music on Your PC
Copy tracks from a CD Music: Copy Tracks from a CD
Download music from the Internet Music: Download Music from the Internet
Create playlists Music: Create Playlists
Create your own CDs Music: Create Your Own CDs
Transfer music from your computer to a portable device Music: Using Portable Devices
Tune in the globe Music: Tune In the Globe
Give your player a new face Music: Give Your Player a New Face


Multiple Monitor Settings May Change After Upgrade to Windows XP
Troubleshooting and Configuring Multiple Monitors in Windows XP

My Briefcase

HOW TO: Use the Briefcase Feature in Windows XP

     Tip:  How to get "My Briefcase" in Windows XP - Go to C:\WINDOWS\System32\dllcache.  Look for a file named
             "syncapp".  Double click it. An icon should appear on your desktop that says "My Briefcase".  Double click it.

My Computer

How to make My Computer' open in Explore mode with folder list.  In My Computer click Tools menu, and then click Options. Click the File Types tab. In the list of file types, highlight "(NONE) Folders".  Click Advanced button, In the Actions box, highlight "Explore" Click "Set Default"

My Computer Information

Start/Help and Support/Use Tools to view your computer information and diagnose problems.

"View general system information about this computer"
"View the status of my system hardware and software"
"Find information about the hardware installed on this computer"
"View a list of Microsoft software installed on this computer"
"View detailed system information (Msinfo32.exe)"
"View running services"
"View Group Policy settings applied"
"View the error log"
"View information for another computer"

Description of My Computer Information Tool in Help and Support

My Computer Icon -  Displays My Documents Folders of Other User

Create a NoSharedDocuments string value in the following registry key and set the data value to 1.

For All Users: Start/Run/Regedit

For Only Users That Are Logged on to the Computer: Start/Run/Regedit

My Computer - Incorrect Message

Incorrect "Prevent Access to Drives from My Computer" Informational Message

My Computer - Rename

HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\CLSID\ {20D04FE0-3AEA-1069-A2D8-08002B30309D}. Data Type: REG_EXPAND_SZ (Expanded String Value). Rename the value named "LocalizedString" to "LocalizedString.old". Create a new REG_EXPAND_SZ value named "LocalizedString", and set the value to "%USERNAME% on %COMPUTERNAME%". Exit the registry editor, click on your desktop and press F5 (for refresh). The "My Computer" icon should now be rename to "Username on Computername".

My Computer - System Information

Quick access to your whole system. Simply click and drag your My Computer icon onto the Task Bar near the right side icons next to the clock. This will create a cascading menu from where you can easily access just about anything on your system.

My Documents - Cascade

This tweak makes the 'My Documents' folder on the Start Menu into a cascading folder, which then give you direct access to sub-folders without having to open the main 'My Documents' directory first. Start/Run/Regedit.

You may need to create the key if it does not already exist. Create a new String value, or modify the existing value, called 'CascadeMyDocuments' and edit the value according to the settings below.

Value Name: CascadeMyDocuments
Data Type: REG_SZ (String Value)
Value Data: "Yes" or "No"

Exit your registry, you may need to restart or log out of Windows for the change to take effect. Note: This setting can be used either on a user by user basis by adding it to HKEY_CURRENT_USER or on a computer wide basis by adding it to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE.

My Documents Folder - Opens Upon Boot

To Stop Windows Explorer from opening My Documents:  Check your settings here:  Start/Run/Regedit

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Winlogon

In the right pane under Userinit - Change the key that reads:


And also here:  Start/Run/Regedit


HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Windows.  In the right pane, check your settings under Load.

This problem can be caused by the DlDer Trojan. More information here:

Tip: This utility lists everything that opens on startup with an undo: http://www.vtoy.fi/jv16/shtml/powertools.shtml

My Documents Folder - Move

In Explorer right click on "My Documents", and select "Properties", then in the target box enter your new location.

Another option is TweakUI - XP Powertoys
Change the Default Location of the My Documents Folder
How to Move Shell Folders and Contents

My Documents Folder - Change the Windows Explorer Default Startup Folder

To change the default startup folder for Windows Explorer:
Click Start, point to All Programs , point to Accessories , and then right-click Windows Explorer. On the menu that appears, click Properties.

In the Target box, append the "/root" command-line switch to the "%SystemRoot%\Explorer.exe" command, using the startup location that you want. For example, if you want Windows Explorer to start at the root of drive C, edit the command to the following:  %SystemRoot%\Explorer.exe /root, C:\.  To have C open expanded: explorer /n,/e,c:\. An additional tip, the command line EXPLORER.SCF works just as well. And/or:  Start/Run and enter: ""explorer.exe/n,/e,::{20D04FE0-3AEA-1069-A2D8-08002B30309D}"" from command, or make a shortcut.

HOW TO: Customize the Windows Explorer Views

My Documents Folder - Limit Number of Documents Listed (and others options)

If you want to limit the Documents list: MaxRecentDocs. Specifies the number of shortcuts displayed on the Recent Documents submenu.  Note: use Dword - decimal value (default=15).  Start/Run/Regedit



My Documents Folder - Remove From Desktop


Value Name: Attributes
Data Type: REG_DWORD (DWORD Value)
Value Data: (0xf0500174 = Hidden, 0xf0400174 = Default)

Modify the value called "Attributes" and set it to either "0xf0500174" to hide or "0xf0400174" to display My Documents.
Click on a blank area of desktop and press F5 to refresh for the change to take effect. Note: This tweak can also by used on a system wide basis by entering the same values under the [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE] hive.

My Network Places - Display on Desktop - Start/Run/Regedit

NewStartPanel.  Once there, locate {208D2C60-3AEA-1069-A2D7-08002B30309D} in the list on the right. Right click on it and select Modify. Change the value equal to 0. Reboot your computer.

My Pictures

Windows XP KB Articles About Working With Pictures

My Pictures - Change My Pictures Link Into Menu

Right-click a blank area of the taskbar and select Properties. Select the Start Menu tab, and with "Start menu" selected, click the Customize button. Click the Advanced tab, and under Start menu items, scroll down and select the "Display as a menu" radio button under My Pictures. Click OK, and now you can open any My Pictures image right from the Start menu: Select Start, My Pictures, [subfolder(s), if applicable], [filename].

My Pictures - Delete Images in the My Pictures Folder

If you receive an error message which says: Cannot Delete Filename, Access Is Denied, The Source File May Be In Use, you may have tried to delete an image from the My Pictures folder or from another folder.

Microsoft notes that if Web view is enabled, and you open the My Pictures folder or any customized folder that uses the Image Preview template, selected images display in the Image Preview window and are considered in use.

So, while the image is being drawn, a Generating Preview...message displays in the Image Preview window, and the file locks up so you cannot delete it. To disable Web view, select Folder Options from the Tools menu, then click the General tab's Use Windows Classic Folders option.

My Pictures - Film Strip

Filmstrip view allows you to see the contents of a My Pictures folder one at a time, as if you were viewing a filmstrip. When the first picture appears at the top of the file list, use the Next Image and Previous Image buttons to rotate through all images in the folder. When you’re finished, choose another View option to make the filmstrip disappear.

My Pictures - Slide Show

Want the full-screen view instead? On the left side of the screen, under Picture Tasks, select ‘View as a slide show.’ Click the screen to advance to the next picture (or wait -- the pictures advance automatically every five seconds), and when you’re finished, press the Esc key on your keyboard.

My Pictures - Slideshow Screen Saver

Do you have some favorite photos in the My Pictures folder? How would you like to view a slide show that displays them every time your screen saver kicks in?

Right-click the desktop, select Properties and click the Screen Saver tab. Under Screen Saver, click the down arrow and select My Pictures Slideshow. Adjust the minutes of inactivity before the show kicks in, then click OK.

     Tip:  Want to use photos in a folder other than My Pictures (for example, if you have your favorites in a subfolder of My
              Pictures)? Follow the steps above, but before clicking OK, click the Settings button. Click Browse, select the
              folder in which the pictures are stored, then click OK twice.

If you'd prefer a plain show, turn off the special effects. Follow the steps above, but before clicking OK, click the Settings button. Deselect "Use transition effects between pictures," then click OK.

Want a bit of control over the slide show? Once the screen saver kicks in, use the right or left arrow keys on your keyboard to move forward or backward, respectively, one picture at a time.

(Tip: If these keys don't work, go to the Screen Saver tab of the Display Properties dialog box, click the Settings button, select "Allow scrolling through pictures with the keyboard," then click OK.)

My Pictures and My Music

My Pictures and My Music Not Created in XP Upgrade from W98SE
HOW TO: Arrange Files Using Folder Views

My Recent Documents

Remove Recent Documents from the Start Menu

This setting can be used to remove the recent Documents folder from the Start Menu. Open your registry (Start/Run/Regedit) and find the key below.



Value Name: NoRecentDocsMenu
Data Type: REG_DWORD (DWORD Value)
Value Data: (0 = display, 1 = remove)

Create a new DWORD value, or modify the existing value, called 'NoRecentDocsMenu' set the value to equal '1' to enable the restriction. Exit your registry, you may need to restart for the changes to take effect.

Clear Recent Documents on Exit

Go to - Start/Run/Regedit and navigate to this key.  Once there, change the value to 1. HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\Explorer\ClearRecentDocsOnExit

HOW TO: Display, Use, and Clear "My Recent Documents" on the Start Menu in Windows XP

Related Tweaks

bulletDisable Recent Documents History (All Versions)
bulletClear Recent Documents When Windows Exits (All Versions)
bulletRemove My Documents from the Start Menu (Windows 2000/Me/XP)
bulletRemove Favorites from the Start Menu (All Versions)
bulletRemove My Pictures from the Start Menu (Windows 2000/Me/XP)
bulletRemove My Music from the Start Menu (Windows 2000/Me/XP)
bulletChange the Number of Recent Documents to Display (Windows 2000/Me/XP)

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Note:  This compilation of information are from various sources.  All credit due to its authors.
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